Modesty for Boys but not for Girls.
by Vanessa Evans

We have been reading some amazing stories lately about girls not needing any modesty and I’ve been daydreaming about what my family life would have been like if my parents had had a different attitude towards their daughter. I know that my story won’t be as good as those that I’ve read on this subject but I don’t care, they are my thoughts and my way of writing them. If you don’t like that then stop reading now.

Part 1

I grew up with a mum, a dad, a brother 2 year older than me, and life was great. That is until I reached puberty.

Okay, things had changed a bit as my brother, Matt, went through puberty himself. His voice changed and he started to get shy about things like changing his clothes and getting a bath or shower. He never used to care if anyone else was around and saw him in his undies or naked, but he’d started getting all shy.

I’m, Olivia, just your average skinny 12 year old girl. Okay, my body had started to change shape a little, I’d started to get tits on my chest and I too had started to get embarrassed about my body and I wanted the privacy that Matt now had, but when I had my first period I went to tell my mother and she promptly announced that fact to everyone at the Sunday dinner table.

“Muuuum,” I said, “did you have to tell everyone, can’t a girl have some privacy in this house?”

“Oh no Olivia, you’re a girl, you are different to your brother. He needs time alone to do, shall we say, personal things, that girls don’t need privacy to take care of.”

“What?!” I asked, “are you saying that I can’t lock myself in the bathroom when I’m having a bath or shower like Matt has started doing, or that I can’t go to my bedroom to try on any new clothes that you buy me, like Matt has started doing?”

“No you can’t Olivia, boys have their sexual organs on the outside so they need time alone to take care of ‘issues’ that would be very embarrassing for them if they had to take care of them when other people are watching them; whereas, you, a girl, you have your sexual organs are on the inside, all you have showing is the front of your slit and that looks no different to the top of anyone’s butt crack so you have nothing to hide.”

“But mum, I’m changing into a woman like you, you have your privacy so why can’t I?”

“Olivia, you are a long way from becoming an adult woman and until you are 18 and can make your own decisions, you will abide by our family rules. Ask your father if you don’t believe me.”

“Dad?” I asked as I turned to look at my father.

“That’s right Olivia, your mother was brought up the traditional way, from her reaching puberty until she reached 18 she had to stick to the same rules, and her brother, your uncle Tom, got the same privacy that Matt now has. Now that you are starting to change into a woman you will adapt to the traditional way.”     

“But dad, times have changed, things are more equal these days, at school the teachers talk about sex equality and girls getting good jobs like boys do. It should be the same here.”

“Enough Olivia,” my father said, “you will follow the rules that your mother and I tell you and that is the end of it. Mother, take Olivia to the doctors on Friday and get her on the pill. That should help her periods and help her to be ready for her new life.”

As you can imagine, I wasn’t very happy. Okay, my mother had blurted out that my periods had started, but what else was I going to have to put up with, no privacy, lots of embarrassment? I wasn’t a happy girl.

All that week I worried about what these ‘changes’ to my life were going to be. I tried to talk to the other girls in my class to ask them if they knew what this ‘traditional’ way of bringing up girls was, but I got nowhere. Most of the girls pleaded ignorance but a few went bright red and refused to talk about it. I guessed that they knew what this ‘traditional’ way was, but from the looks of their faces they were embarrassed about it.

As I continued to worry and find out more, I realised that the girls who had got embarrassed when I asked them, all wore much shorter skirts and at PE lessons they wore short PE skirts and not shorts like all us other girls wore.

I was confused and worried, and for the first couple of days of that week my period was giving me quite a bit of pain as well.

When I got home from school on the Friday, my mother was waiting for me and she quickly dragged me off to the doctors. I’d heard from other girls at school that the contraceptive pill made their periods less of a problem so I was quite happy to go with my mother.

When we went into the consulting room my mother explained what she wanted, and why, then she added that I was going to be raised the ‘traditional’ way.

I saw the middle-aged, male doctor’s eyes open wide when my mum said that last bit, and I was sure that he smiled a little before he asked if I had a father and any brothers. When mum said that I had, she added that they would be joining us shortly. That was when I started to panic a little. I’d heard from some of the other girls at school that to go on the pill you had to have a full medical examination, and that that involved taking all your clothes off.

“Can we get on with this please?” I asked, wanting to get the examination over with before dad and Matt arrived.

“Slow down Olivia,” my mother said, “these things take time and the doctor will not want to rush the examination.”

“That’s right Olivia,” the doctor added, “I must be allowed to do my job properly.”

The doctor started asking me lots of question, most of which my mother answered for me. Then he told me to take all my clothes off ready for the physical examination. Still being eager to get it over with as quickly as possible, and before my dad and brother arrived, I took all my clothes off in seconds then stood in the classic embarrassed naked female stance.

“No need to be shy Olivia,” the doctor said, “I’ve seen thousands of naked girls and you don’t look to be any different to them.”

“Hands by your sides Olivia.” My mother ordered.

I complied and my already red face got even redder.

“First let’s measure your height and weight Olivia.” The doctor said.

I had to go and stand on the scales then stand with my back to the wall where it was marked with heights.

“Good Olivia,” the doctor continued, “now a few physical exercises to check your physical abilities.”

I was told to bend and stretch, much like the warm-up exercises that my PE teacher has us do, except that in a PE lesson I’m wearing clothes. My face was still hot and bright red.

“Well done Olivia,” the doctor said, “now we’ll move on to the physical examination. Please go and”


“Come in.” The doctor loudly said,

“Sorry to bother you doctor Jones,” the receptionist said as she looked round the room, her eyes stopping when she saw the naked me, “but Olivia’s father and brother are here and they are asking to join you.”

“Good, good, send them in.”

The door opened wide and my dad and brother walked in. My hands went straight to the classic ENF position and the heat extended from my face down to my chest.

“Hi dad, Matt, come in, great timing, the doctor is just about to start the physical examination.” My mother said.

“Mum,” I said, “can’t dad and Matt wait outside?”

“No Olivia, you have nothing to hide.”


“Olivia. Hands by your side. I won’t tell you again, now get up on that couch.”

I looked at the doctor who was smiling and gesturing me towards the couch. Then I looked towards my father and brother. They too were smiling.

I so wanted to floor to open up and swallow me but I knew that I had to comply, so I slowly did, laying with my knees trying to crush each other.

“Relax Olivia, this isn’t going to hurt you.” The doctor said. “Gentlemen, at the foot of the couch if you will.”

Through half closed eyes I watched my father and brother move to where they had been directed as the doctor started prodding, poking and rubbing his hands all over my head, arms and upper torso.

He left my little tits to last and as he started poking and squeezing them he said,

“Your breasts are developing nicely Olivia, nice round shape, distinct, small and darker areolae, and your nipples are a good shape and size. I can see and feel that they swell and harden nicely.

“Please Captain Kirk, beam me away from here.” I thought.

“This reddish tint to you chest will disappear as you get used to your new life Olivia, nothing to worry about. Your parents have made a good choice.” The doctor continued.

“Easy for you to say that doctor,” I thought, “try being in my shoes.”

The embarrassment continued as the doctors hands moved down my torso. After prodding and poking all around my stomach area, the doctor grabbed hold of what little pubic hair I had and I saw him look at my father.

“That will be gone before the weekend is over.” My father said.

“Right Olivia,” the doctor said, “I need you to lift your ankles onto the stirrups.”

I had guessed that I’d have to do that but it still didn’t stop the tears from starting as I slowly lifted my legs.

“Are those tears of joy?” The doctor asked.

I said nothing, just sobbed, and somehow, I managed to look at my father and brother. Both were staring at my now spread pussy.

I realised that my pussy was wet and I couldn’t understand how that could be, I was mortified, but what could I do?  My mind went back to what my parent had told me the previous Sunday and I was scared. If my father and brother watching me getting examined by a doctor was just the start I may as well be dead.

I lay there crying as the doctor lowered his head to right in front of my wet pussy and I felt his fingers spread my labia even more. I really did want the earth to open up and swallow me, but it just got worse.

I felt one of the doctor’s fingers go inside me, but thankfully not too far and he said,

“Your daughter is still a virgin, her hymen is intact. I’ll leave that for you to take care of.”

“Oh my gawd,” I thought, “is he telling my father to fuck me? No, no, no, that can’t be right, that would be incest, by dad wouldn’t do that, would he?”

Then the doctor humiliated me even more by saying,

“Matt isn’t it, come and look what a hymen looks like.”

I felt warm breath on my pussy then Matt said,

“I often wondered what one of those looks like, is it easy to break and will it hurt her?”

“Yes and yes,” the doctor replied, “but only a quick, sharp pain, then intercourse should never hurt her again.”

“Oh my gawd,” I thought, “is he telling my brother to fuck me as well? This is so wrong.”

My sobbing got even louder.

“Okay, stand back gentlemen, I now need to check that Olivia’s response to stimulation is normal.”

I was puzzled, but just for a second as I felt one of the doctor’s fingers start rubbing my clit. I gasped a little and wondered why my clit felt so big, but a bolt of electricity went from my clit to my nipples.

As the doctor continued to rub my clit I vaguely heard him say,

“There is a procedure called a clitoral hoodectomy that will reduce the size of Olivia’s clitoral hood to ensure that her clitoris is exposed all of the time. If you wish I can instigate the paperwork to get the ball rolling on her getting that procedure carried out.”

I didn’t really understand what the doctor was saying because I had other things on my mind. My crying had stopped and I was starting to get aroused, very aroused.

Okay, I’d played with my pussy in bed on a night, and I’d had what I thought was an orgasm, so I sort of guessed what the doctor was doing to me, but the thought of me orgasming in front of those 3 men really was mortifying.

Not only did it happen, it was so much more intense than the ones that I’d given myself. As it hit me I really did think that I was dying. My body was shaking and I couldn’t stop myself from swearing out loud.

When I finally realised that I wasn’t dying, and that I’d just experienced the most intense orgasm of my young life, I was ecstatic. But that was only for a millisecond until the circumstances jumped back into my head.

Then I went bright red and the tears started again.

“I wanna die.” I thought, then I heard the doctor say,

“You’ve probably gathered that Olivia’s reaction is very normal, in fact it took less effort on my part than for most girls. Olivia should have very rewarding teenage and young woman’s years. I would suggest plenty of training, both by herself, and with both of your help. I would also recommend a clitoral hoodectomy, that will enhance her pleasure even more. Shall I start the paperwork?”

I heard both my father and my mother say,

“Yes please.”

Somehow, I managed to look at the doctor and saw that he was looking at my father and brother who were both still staring at my still very spread and very wet pussy

My sobs got louder.

The doctor continued,

“Okay Olivia, you may get down and get dressed now,”

And then to my father he continued,

“You have a very healthy daughter, with your help she will develop into a perfect woman.”

The doctor went to his desk and started typing on his computer as I slowly climbed down.

My mother handed me my school blouse which I put on, ignoring the fact that she hadn’t passed me my training bra, and it was the same with my school skirt, no knickers, but I was very pleased to at least have some coverage.

With a prescription in my mother’s hand, my father led us out, both my mother and father thanking the doctor. I was no longer crying, just the occasional sniff as I slowly returned to normal, but as we walked out to the car I wondered just what ‘normal’ now was.

There was silence in the car and when my mother went in to the pharmacy to get the prescription filled, but as soon as we go into the house my father said,

“Clothes off Olivia, from now on you will only wear clothes in this house for 3 minutes before you go out, and for up to 3 minutes after you get back in.”

“But dad, that’s not fair, Matt doesn’t have to take his clothes off and be naked for hours on end.”

“Olivia, we discussed this last weekend, now get those clothes off or Matt will take them off for you.”

I looked at Matt and saw that he was grinning so I slowly started stripping. When I was naked my hands automatically went to cover my little tits and slit causing my father to say,

“I believe that you mother has told you about doing that Olivia, if I catch you covering up like that again it will be 10 swats on your butt by either my hand or Matt’s.”

I gasped and dropped my hands.

I’d never been spanked before but I’d heard stories from other girls at school. Some said it was horrible and others had said that they had enjoyed being spanked. I didn’t want to know which I would be.

“Oh yes, pubic hair.” My father said, “say goodbye to those few hairs Olivia, it will be years before they grow again, and that’s if we haven’t lasered them to stop them growing ever again.”

“Oh my gawd,”

I thought, then I remembered seeing in the showers that some of the girls as school were still bald down there and I noted that all the girls who wore short skirts were in the bald group. I’d heard some of them talking about laser treatment to permanently remove their pubic hair, but I was proud of my few pubic hairs, they proved that I was growing into a woman but my father was saying that they had to go. That only made me more unhappy and I was close to tears again.

“Right,” my father said, “tampons first.”

“WHAT! I use pads dad,” I replied, “I don’t want to use tampons, they might hurt me.”

“You will use tampons from now on Olivia, Matt, there’s a box of them in the bathroom cabinet, go and get them please?”

Matt scurried off as my father told me to sit on the front edge of the sofa, lay back and spread my legs wide. I guessed what was going to happen but I was still embarrassed as hell. My hands went to cover my pussy but I remembered what dad had said and I managed to stop my hands just in time. Oh my gawd, was the embarrassment and humiliation ever going to end, but there was nothing that I could do.

Of course I’d seen a tampon before, they’d even shown us one in SexEd classes and explained how to use them, but my father seemed to take great pleasure in unwrapping one and explaining how to use one.

Then came the practical demonstration, but my vagina was dry and very tight, I could feel my muscles tensing up, like they were saying,

“No, no, go away.”

“Matt son,” dad said, “your sister is all dry and tense, come here and I’ll show you how to get her relaxed and wet.”

“Oh my gawd,” even though I remembered my dad and Matt watching the doctor rub my clit, my dad gave Matt another demonstration that had the desired effect and Matt took over and quickly got me close to the point of no return.

“Stop there son, girls like to be taken to the edge but not over it. Keeping them just short of cumming makes them more compliant. It also gets them ready for tampons. There’ll be plenty of time for you to play with her over the next few years. It will be more fun when she’s got some decent sized tits to play with instead of those mosquito bites.”

“Oh my gawd, I’m going to be sexually abused for years.”

That’s what I thought, but I did have to admit to myself that I had enjoyed what Matt had just done to me.

“Right son, this is how you put a tampon in a girl.”

I gasped as I felt my vagina open up to accept the tampon, and strangely, I realised that I wasn’t as embarrassed as I was before. Matt slowly pushed the tampon into me and pulled that applicator out. Thankfully it was painless.

“That’s it son, easy wasn’t it. Olivia, when your next period starts, ask your brother to put a tampon in for you.”

My jaw dropped but I refrained from saying anything as dad said,

“These have to be changed twice per day until one comes out without any blood on it. Pull that bit of string Matt, you won’t hurt her and she may even enjoy it.”

Matt did and we all looked at the slightly wet tampon that he held up. I was pleased that there was no blood on it but I could still feel my face burning.

“Bin that Matt, then I’ll show you how to shave a girl, it will be good practise for when you start shaving son. There’s a bag in the bathroom that contains everything that your sister will need when she does it each time she has a shower, or you could shave her every morning, your choice. You could even shower with her and do it then if you want. Go and get the shaving things son, and Olivia, you go and get a bowl of warm water and a towel.”

As I walked to the kitchen I realised that it was the first time that I’d been naked anywhere other than my bedroom and the bathroom since I was a little girl, and I was embarrassed as I thought about someone arriving and seeing me naked.

Thankfully, no one did arrive and when I got back to the sofa dad told me to assume the same, very spread, position.

With dad telling Matt what to do I was soon as bald as a baby and wondering if I’d ever see even one of my pubic hairs again.

As Matt patted my pussy dry I said,

“I look like I’ve gone back to being a baby, not changing into a woman.”

“Exactly Olivia,” my father said, “girls grow up way too fast so this will remind you that you are still a little girl.”

“But.” I started to say then stopped myself knowing that I couldn’t argue with my dad for fear of getting spanked.

“I think that that will do for now,” my father said, “Olivia, clear-up this lot then go and get your homework, you can do it down here where we can keep an eye on you.”

I opened my mouth to object, but I managed to not say anything as I picked up the towel and bowl of water.

Five minutes later I was walking down the stairs with my homework in my hand.

“Do it on the rug in front of the fireplace Olivia.” My dad said.

As I lay on the rug, on my stomach with my books in front of me. I realised that Matt had sat on the armchair at my feet so I clamped my knees together so that he couldn’t look at my pussy. I realised that he had just got a really close to it when he shaved me, but I didn’t want him looking at it as I did my homework. Him seeing my bare butt was bad enough.

A couple of times, whilst I was working, I realised that I’d relaxed my knees so I clamped them together again.

Finally I was finished and I got to my feet saying,

“All done, I’m going to bed.” I desperately wanted some time without people seeing me naked.

“Okay sweetie.” dad said, “see you in the morning.”

“I hope not.” I thought as I ran up the stairs only to find that when I got to my room, the door was missing.

I put my homework on my dressing table and turned and went back downstairs.

“Dad, what happened to the door to my room?”

“Sweetie, you don’t need a door any more, you don’t need any privacy.”

“But dad?”

“Olivia, do I have to spank you?”

“No dad.” I replied and turned to start going back up the stairs thinking,

“Oh my gawd, I can’t even escape to my room, this is horrible, how am I going to survive. Maybe I could run away.”

I cleaned my teeth then went and hid under my duvet. I so wanted to go straight to sleep but my brain was spinning. So much had happened that day. It had been horrible, the worst day of my life, so embarrassing, so humiliating. I really wanted to go back in time to 10 days ago, If only I hadn’t told my mother that my first period had started.

The more I thought about that day, the more unhappy I got, so unhappy that I started to cry again. I was crying with the duvet covering all of me when suddenly it wasn’t, it had gone.

I opened my eyes and saw Matt standing there, holding the duvet.

“Mum told me to come and take this from you Olivia, that you don’t need it any more.”

“What? Give it back to me.”

“Nope, apparently you don’t need it.”

“Yes I do, give it back to me.”


I was mad, so mad that I jumped on Matt and tried to pull the duvet from him.
It was a stupid thing to do because Mat is bigger and stronger than me and we ended up wresting for it on my bed and Matt quickly got on top of me, my face in a pillow.

“Dad says that I can spank you whenever I want to and I think that you deserve it right now.”

The next thing that I knew was that Matt’s hand was raining swats down on my bare butt.

“Ow, ow, ow, stop that, you’re hurting me.“

But Matt didn’t stop and as the swats kept coming as he asked,

“Are you enjoying this Olivia, lots of girls do.”

“No don’t be stupid, it hurts, why would I like it? Stop Matt, you’re hurting me.”

By the time that Matt finally stopped I was crying again, really sobbing. Matt got off me and left my room taking the duvet with him. When I realised that he wasn’t coming back I curled into a ball and continued crying.

Shortly after that I felt the mattress move then a hand started stroking my head.

“There, there Olivia,” my mother said, “we’re doing this for your own good. A few months from now you will have forgotten all about today, you’ll be a really happy girl wanting to show your love for us all the time.”

“No I won’t, I’ll be dead, you’re killing me.”

“That’s not true Olivia and you know it. I’ve been where you are right now and I turned out okay didn’t I?”

I wanted to say that she was lying, but I couldn’t, before this last week my mother had been a good mother to me, so I said nothing.

“Try to get some sleep Olivia, I’m sure that you’ll feel better in the morning. Hey, we’ll go shopping, get you some new clothes, you’ll like that.”

“Why would you buy me more clothes if you are going to keep me naked all the time mum?”

“You’ll have a good time and we can go to McDonald’s for lunch, you’ll like that.”

Mum didn’t answer my question but I got distracted by the thought of a McDonald’s. She patted my shoulder and as she got up she said,

“Try to go to sleep Olivia.”

I really wanted to go to sleep to forget the horrors of the day but my butt hurt and my brain just wouldn’t stop thinking about what had happened.

As my eyes dried my brain was still working overtime. Life as I knew it was gone and it looked like I was going to be a sex slave for the rest of my life, but on the bright side, when my doctor rubbed my clit it was wonderful.

I turned so that I was laying on my front and my right hand went underneath me and cupped my pussy. It was wet and I couldn’t understand why, but at the same time, my hand on my pussy felt nice.

Then I remembered what the doctor had said about my clit, was it a clitoral hoodectomy? Would that mean that my little clit couldn’t hide away, would it mean that I was aroused all the time. Would it mean that my dad and brother, and other people, could see it whenever I was naked?

Obviously, I didn’t have any answers, but my pussy was feeling nice thinking about it.

I finally drifted off to sleep with my right hand still cupping my pussy.


When I woke up I had a quick panic. I couldn’t understand why I was naked instead of wearing the T-shirt and knickers that I usually slept in, why did my butt hurt a bit, and where was my duvet?

Then it all started flooding back to me and I started feeling really sorry for myself. I had rolled onto my back sometime during the night and when I looked down my body I saw my bald pubis and beyond, the lack of a door to my room.

The curtains were open and the sun was shining in. I wondered if anyone had been watching the naked me sleeping.

I got off my bed, went and stuck my head through the doorway, saw no one, then dashed to the bathroom, shut and locked the door.

I was sat on the toilet peeing when I saw the door being unlocked from the outside then being opened.

“I won’t be long.” I shouted, but the door kept opening.

“Daaad, I’m in here, can you leave me in peace?”

“No sweetheart, no privacy for you, leave the door open whenever you come in here.”

“But I’m sat on the toilet peeing.”

“That doesn’t matter sweetheart, leave the door open from now on.”

“Oh my gawd,” I thought, “I can’t even have a piss or a shit in peace any more. I hate my life.”

Having finished in the bathroom I headed downstairs to get some breakfast. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I looked into the dining room and saw my mother working on her sewing machine. She saw me and said,

“Good morning Olivia, I hope that you slept well. Are you getting used to your new life yet?”

“No mum, I’ll never get used to having to be naked all the time. What are you doing, that looks like one of my school skirts.”

“Olivia, it’s not ALL the time, just whilst you are here or places that we think are appropriate, and yes, this is one of your school skirts, I’m shortening all your dresses and skirts to a more appropriate length. I’ll have to show you how to use the sowing machine Olivia. Can you get your own breakfast, and have you remembered that you and me are going shopping this morning?”

I gave a little grunt then turned and walked to the kitchen thinking,

“This is horrible, I’m going to kill myself.”

“Morning squirt.” Matt said as he looked up from his cereals.

“Stop looking at me, it’s not my fault that I’m naked.” I replied, my hands going to cover my bits, but then stopping, “and I want my duvet back.”

“Relax sis, you’ll soon get used to it, and think of all the pleasures like the one that the doctor gave you.”

I grunted again then got on getting some breakfast.

As I ate I thought. Yes, that bloody doctor did give me the best orgasm I’ve ever had, but was it really worth it, this nudity thing is going to kill me.

Breakfast over, I went back to the dining room and asked my mother what time we were leaving to go into town.

“About an hour sweetheart, I’ll give you a shout. I will have a dress ready for you by then.”

“You might have a dress ready, but I’m going to wear my jeans, I want to be covered as much as I can.” I thought as I went upstairs to the bathroom to clean my teeth and have a shower.

As I stood with the warm water cascading down on me I felt a little better. That was until I remembered that I had to shave.

“This is stupid,” I thought, “Matt shaved me last night so nothing will have grown that fast. Oh my gawd, yes, my brother shaved my pussy, this is so wrong, I’ll have to get up before dawn each day and shave myself so that Matt or my dad can’t do it.  At least I can do it this morning and not Matt or my dad.”

Not wanting to risk upsetting my dad, I got my shaving things and quickly whisked the razor over my pubis. I managed to finish and got out of the shower just as Matt walked in, unfastening his jeans as he walked.

“Oh, your finished squirt, did you shave yourself?”

“Yeah, too late Matt, you’re not going to be able to rape me this morning.”

“Come on sis, it’s not like that. It’s the way mum was brought up and she’s turned out okay hasn’t she?”

“I guess so, but times have changed Matt, this shouldn’t be happening to me, I should phone that child-line and tell them what’s going on here.” 

“Then you’d get taken away from here to some horrible children’s home with lots of horrible boys all wanting to fuck you. You’d get sent to a new school and you’d never get to see any of us, nor your friends ever again. Like that would you squirt?” 

I didn’t know what to say so I said nothing and started to walk back to my room.

“Leave the towel Olivia.” Matt said.

I took it from around me, threw it at him and stormed off.

In my bedroom I decided to get out what I was going to wear to go to town. Okay, I couldn’t put them on until 3 minutes before we left, but I could at least imagine wearing them.

I opened my wardrobe and my jaw dropped when all I saw was my 2 coats.

“Nooooooooooooo.” I thought as I went and opened my drawers.

I felt my eyes well-up as I realised that I no longer had any knickers or bras, and my jeans and shorts were gone as well. I was left with just blouses, other tops, socks and shoes.

I collapsed onto my bed and cried thinking,

“I hate this place.”

I had just about stopped sobbing when I heard my mother shout.


I got my trainers and as I was going down the stairs I wondered if I was going to have to go into town wearing just my trainers, After what had happened in the last 24 hours I wouldn’t have been surprised. Then I thought,

“If that’s right I’m bound to get locked up by the police and they’ll give me something to wear.”

“Two minutes Olivia, put this on and we’re out of that door.”

Mum gave me one of my dresses, well what was left of it. When I’d got into it the top part felt the same, except that I wasn’t wearing a bra, but the skirt part only just covered my butt.

“Mum, what have you done to this, I can’t go out in this, I’ll get locked up.”

“No you won’t Olivia, trainers on.”

Two minutes later we were outside the door and I was tugging at the hem of the dress.

“Mum, everyone can see my butt.”

“No they can’t, if your that worried about it just don’t bend over.”

“Mum, I can feel the air rushing passed my pussy.”

“A nice feeling isn’t it, I wish that I was your age again Olivia.”

“You had to wear skirts as short as this mum?”

“Oh yes. At first I was like you and worried that someone might see my pussy but after a few days I realised that I liked people seeing my pussy, when I saw them looking I got all aroused.”

“Mum, I don’t want to think about that and I certainly don’t want anyone to see my pussy, nor my butt.”

“You will my dear, you will.”

“No I won’t, it’s so embarrassing. PLEASE can we go back home?”

“Stop being so melodramatic Olivia, it’s no big deal. Come on.”

“It is to me.” I thought, but said nothing.

When we got to the bus stop my mother said,

“You tugging at the hem of that dress is just attracting attention Olivia.”

I thought about it then agreed with her and stopped tugging at the hem.

Finally, the bus came and we got on. I was grateful that it was a single decker but even then, when I sat down next to mum I felt my bare pussy on the seat.

I watched every man that walked down the aisle passed us and I saw 2 young men looking down at my bare legs. I was happy that I’d put my hands together on my lap. If I hadn’t of put them there I was sure that the men would have been able to see my bare pussy.

It was a bit windy when we got off the bus and I again started tugging at the hem of my dress.

“I told you to stop doing that Olivia.” My mother said.

“Would you rather I just let the wind blow it up around my waist mother, then everyone will be able to see my bare pussy and butt, is that what you want mother?”

“Your being melodramatic again Olivia. Stop it or I’ll spank you when we get home, and no one cares about seeing a naked little girl.”

“I care mum, and I’m not so little now, I’ve started having periods, remember?”

“Don’t I know it, I’m beginning to wish that we’d decided to give you puberty blockers.”

“WHAT! You wanted to stop me from growing up. How could you even think of doing that?”

“Relax Olivia, it wasn’t my suggestion nor your father’s. He was dead against it, he wants to see you grow up.”

“My dad wants to see my body develop into a woman’s does he? He’s a pervert?”

“No Olivia, he definitely is not a pervert, we both just want to bring you up the traditional way.”

“You mean naked, so that lots of people can see me naked. Why can’t I have some privacy?

“Olivia, we’ve discussed this already, and you have one chance to stop all this nonsense, if you don’t I definitely will spank you when we get home.”

I decided to stay quiet.

We got to one of those big sports equipment shops and went in. I followed mum around until she found a rack with girls tennis wear then she browsed through the garments. When she got to the end of the rack she said,

“These are no good for you Olivia, come.”

And off she went with me tagging along. I had no idea what she was thinking and I wasn’t about to ask.

Mum’s next stop was a rack of what to me looked like vests for old men, but the one she took from the rack was much thinner than the ones that I’d seen my grandad wear.

Mum held it up in front of me then said,

“This will do.” And she promptly walked over to the tills and paid for it.

Outside the shop mum said,

“That’s your PE clothes sorted Olivia, now. I want some more make-up.”

“I can’t wear that for PE mum, we have to wear the school polo shirts and navy blue shorts or skirts. I thought that you were buying grandad a new vest.”

Mum stopped walking, was silent for a couple of seconds then said,

“Sugar, you’re right Olivia, I forgot all about that. I guess that we’ll have to go to the school wear shop.” 

“Aren’t you going to take that vest thing back and get your money back mum?”
“No, I bought it as a PE dress for you, you can wear it as an ordinary dress when we go out.”

“But mum, it’s way too thin, my nipples will make tents and it’s even shorter than this dress. I can’t go out anywhere wearing just that?”

“Okay Olivia, I’ve had just enough of your complaining, that’s 10 swats when we get home. Now come on, I suppose that we’ll only be able to get you a PE skirt that will be too long for you and I’ll have to shorten it.”

I decided to stay quiet for a while as I followed her to the school wear shop. I was walking slightly behind her so that I could pull down on my dress hem without mum knowing, not that it did much good, I was sure that anyone who cared to look would be able to see part of my bare butt and pussy. 

In the school wear shop I was unhappy to see some of the older boys from my school with their parents and I really hoped that my mother wouldn’t embarrass me. As it was, a couple of them were staring at my bare legs and maybe seeing parts of me that I didn’t want them to see.

Mum picked up a navy blue PE skirt and turned to me.

“Try this on Olivia.”

“Err mum, they don’t have any changing rooms here.”

“I know honey, just slip the dress off and put the skirt on right here.”

“But mum, you’ve taken all my bras and knickers from me, I’m naked under this dress.”

“Are you asking for 10 more swats when we get home Olivia, do it, now.”

I turned my back to the boys that were still staring at me and slowly pulled my dress up and off me leaving me naked in the main part of the shop, My face was bright red and that colour was creeping down to my chest.

I so wanted to die but I wasn’t that lucky as I remembered that I’d get even more swats if I used my hands to cover my little tits or pussy. 

I quickly put the skirt on and was pleased that it fit me okay, but I was still topless; and the boys had moved to where they could see my tiny tits.

“Okay Olivia, that one will do, take it off.”

I did, and went for my dress to put it back on but mum stopped me saying,

“Not yet Olivia, you need a new school blouse as well, come on.”

I obediently followed my mother to the rack with the blouses on. I was still naked apart from my shoes, but at least the racks of clothes were hiding me from most of the other customers and the staff.  I said ‘most’ of the customers because the boys that had already seen me naked followed me.

“Where the hell are their parents. Why aren’t you with them?” I thought.

Then I heard a woman shout,


Then I remembered why one of the boys looked a bit familiar, it was the Jeremy from a class in the year ahead of me.

“Oh my gawd, me being naked here is going to be all around the school on Monday.

Please God, kill me now.”

“Olivia, try this blouse on.” I heard my mother say.

I quickly put it on, the said,

“Are there any that are made of thicker fabric mum, this one is even thinner than the ones that I already have, unless you are going to give me my bras back everyone will see where my dark nipples are.”

My mother stood back, looked at me, ignored what I’d said and said,

“I thought so, you’ve grown a bit I’m going to have to get you a pack of these. Take that off then you can put your dress on.”

My dress was still where I had taken it off so I quickly walked back to it and put it on without even looking around to see if anyone was watching me.

I was relieved to be wearing my dress even if it was way too short, and within minutes we were outside the shop and heading down the walkway with me turning my head from side to side looking to see if anyone was looking at me.

Thankfully, nearly everyone didn’t even glance my way, but those who did had a mixture of expressions on their faces. Some, mainly the older women, looked at me like I was something that their dog had left on the pavement; whilst the others were smiling, like they liked seeing me exposed to them.

Those looks made me feel more embarrassed.

Then I saw Sadie, a girl in my class, with her mother, and Sadie was wearing a really short dress as well, I swear that I could see the front of her slit and we approached each other.

We said hello to each other but our mothers had kept walking so we did too with me wondering if Sadie was being brought up the ‘traditional’ way as well. Then I remembered that Sadie was one of the girl who wore short skirts and dresses at school, and a short skirt for PE. I’d never seen up her skirts to know if she wore knickers, but I did remember noticing her in the showers and that she had no pubic hair. I’d assumed that she just hadn’t started growing any yet, but maybe she was being forced to shave hers off like I now was.

Mum stopped at a sewing supplies shop and we went in and she bought loads of reels of cotton. As we left mum said,

“These things cost a fortune these days, but at least I can offset the cost against the bras and knickers that I will no longer have to buy you.”

“So I’m never going to be allowed to wear underwear again then mum?” I asked,

“Not while you are living at home Olivia, don’t worry, you’ll soon get used to it.”

I didn’t reply because I was too upset to know what to say. No bras or knickers for years, it was unimaginable. Then I thought of something,

“Mum, what if I grow huge breasts, I can’t not wear a bra if I have a couple of water melons on my chest.”

“That’s unlikely to happen Olivia, it’s sort of hereditary and neither your gran nor me have huge breasts so you are lucky that you should never get that problem.”

I was both happy and unhappy. Unhappy because it didn’t look like I was ever going to wear a bra again, and lucky because I didn’t want huge breasts, to me, huge breasts looked to be a huge problem to the women who had them.    

I was relieved when we got to McDonald’s and we went in. I liked McDonald’s meals but we hardly ever went there, mum saying that they weren’t good for me.

It was all hustle and bustle in there and, thankfully, I didn’t see anyone staring at me. That is until we got a seat. The cold plastic seat gave me a bit of a shock to start off with, but that wasn’t the problem. It was where the seat was and the fact that my legs were bare right up to hips. I tried crossing my legs but that only revealed more bare skin.

I did my best to not look to see if anyone was staring at me. I asked mum about the ‘traditional’ way of bring up a girl and why it was not boys as well. All I got was the same story as before, that girls didn’t need modesty but boys did, and that it was so much more fun being a girl that was being brought up the ‘traditional’ way. 

“I don’t see how that all this embarrassment and humiliation can be called fun.” I replied.

“Believe me Olivia, once you accept it you will embrace it and you will be able to wrap the boys round your little finger.”

I hadn’t a clue what she meant by that so I just concentrated on trying to keep my embarrassment and humiliation down to a minimum.

Finally, we left McDonald’s and I was pleased when mum told me that we were heading home.

The bus was a double-decker, and mum led me up the stairs. As we were going up I heard the man following me up the stairs say,

“Nice pussy darling.”

I ignore him, but when I sat next to my mum I realised that my pussy felt a bit damp, and I had this strange tingling feeling in my pussy and my nipples that had gone all hard.

I ignored the feelings and stared out of the window.

As we approached our front door mum reminded me of the 3 minute rule and when I closed the door behind us I took my dress and shoes off. It was then that I realised that I could hear voices other than Matt’s or my dad’s.

“Oh my gawd,” I thought, “Matt’s got some of his mates over.”

I made a dash for the stairs and ran up them. I was just walking along the landing when the bathroom door opened and one of Matt’s mate Adam walked out. He froze and I froze as we both stared at each other.

He was the first to unfreeze as he said,

“Wow, Olivia isn’t it, I nearly didn’t recognise you without any clothes on. You look so young and so cute.”

Him saying that unfroze me and I dashed to my room. As I entered it I turned to close the door them remembered that my dad had taken it and put it in the garage.
I curled up on my bed and started to feel sorry for myself.

Unfortunately, that didn’t last because my mother called me to go downstairs. When I got there and stood in front of my mother, Matt and his 2 mates, Adam and Brian were there watching.

“Olivia, my mother said, “what did I say was going to happen when we got home?”

“You were going to spank me.”

“And why was that?”

“For arguing with you mum.”

“Yes, go and get a dining room chair and bring it in here.”

“Mum, are you going to spank me in here, with Matt and his friends here? Can’t you do it in the dining room where it’s more private?”

“Olivia, you don’t need any modesty, get the chair now or it will be 15.”

Guess what I did.

Never having been spanked before was making me very apprehensive, but being naked over my mother’s lap in front of 3 boys. all a couple of years older than me, was definitely mortifying. I so wanted to die.

Even more so when my mother spread my legs meaning that those 3 boys could see my spread pussy.

“May as well give Matt’s friends a female anatomy lesson while you are in this position Olivia.” My mother said.

“Mum, no, please don’t, you’re really embarrassing me.” I pleaded.

But my mother ignored me and held me on her lap while she touched each part of my genitalia and told the boys the medical name. When she touched my clit I involuntarily moaned which annoyed me, but I couldn’t stop myself.

Mum finished my touching the entrance to my vagina saying,

“And this is the entrance to Olivia’s vagina. As you can see Olivia is leaking moisture. Human females do this when they are aroused, it prepares their vagina for penetration by the male penis although that probably isn’t going to happen today. The amount of moisture varies dependent upon how aroused the female is, and as you can see, Olivia must be quite aroused.

At this stage it isn’t possible to tell if that is because she is naked in front of you boys, or if she is looking forward to the spanking that she is about to receive. Believe it or not, some girls really do get aroused by being spanked.”

I really was mortified, but what could I do? My only consolation was that those boys couldn’t see my face.

Then it started.

“Ooooooooooow, that really hurt.” I said as the first swat landed on my bare butt.

I tried to move my right hand to my butt, but my mother’s left hand was firmly holding my wrist.

“Oooooow”, I said as I felt my eyes water up.

By the time the fifth swat had landed I was properly crying but I did managed to hear Brian say,

“Look. Olivia’s pussy is oozing. I know that she is crying, but does all those juices mean that she is actually getting turned-on by the spanking?”

“Yes it does.” my mother replied, “girls can experience more than one emotion at the same time, in this case Olivia is experiencing pain and pleasure. I’m not sure if men can experience both those emotions at the same time.”

I really wanted to say that I certainly wasn’t experiencing any pleasure but 2 reasons stopped me. Firstly, I was still crying, and secondly, I wasn’t sure that mum was completely wrong, my pussy was tingling. I tried to justify that by thinking that it was the vibrations from the spanking, but I wasn’t sure.

“Ouch“. “mum, that’s enough, I won’t argue with you again.”

But my mother wasn’t interested and she kept going until she’d landed all 10 swats.

“Stand up Olivia.” My mother ordered.

I did.
“Now turn and face the boys.”

I did.

“Now spread your feet until they are shoulder width apart and put your hands on your head.

“Mum, haven’t I been punished enough, this is humiliating.”


I did.

“Now tell the boys that you are sorry that they had to suffer watching you get punished.



“I’m sorry that you had to watch me be punished and that you have to stare at my naked body.”

“Well done Olivia, now come and give me a hug.”

I went and stood in front of my mother who wrapped her arms around me and gently hugged me. After a few seconds mum asked,

“So how was your first spanking Olivia, did it make you feel a bit like you felt when the doctor tested your sensitivity?”

I was a bit stunned that my mother would ask such a question and it took me a few seconds to reply,

“No, well yes, a bit.”

“Good, I thought that it might, as a reward Matt can practise what the doctor showed him on you later.”

“Mum, no, that was supposed to be private, Matt and dad weren’t even supposed to be in the room.”

“Olivia, do I need to remind you about what I said about girls not needing modesty?”

“No mum, sorry, Matt can diddle my pussy whenever he wants.”

“Did I really say that,” I thought, “I don’t want Matt touching my pussy, it’s bad enough that dad’s told him that he can shave me. I must remember to get up before Matt does each day.”

“Can I diddle Olivia’s pussy now mum, maybe let my mates do it as well?”

“Not your mates Matt, that is a decision that Olivia would have to make but you can, and there’s nothing to stop your friends watching.”

“Oh my gawd, I want to die.” I thought.

“Okay squirt,” Matt said, “on the sofa and spread them.”

“Go on Olivia,” my mother said, “you enjoyed what the doctor did to you and Matt need the practice.”

I really hated myself for saying what I had said, but at the same time if I hadn’t of said it mum would probably have told me to do it anyway.

My butt hurt a little as I sat on the sofa then lay back. As I spread my legs I looked at the eyes of all 3 of the boys. The look of lust on all 3 pairs was something that I had never seen before. Although it terrified me, it also aroused me a little.

Looking back on that day, although I didn’t realise it at the time, I think that it was the start of me realising that a naked girl has a sort of power over boys, and probably men too.

Anyway, Matt told me to lift my legs high in the air, and when I did he sat where they had been then he pulled them back down so that my bare butt was on his lap. He then pushed my legs further apart so that he could easily get his right hand to my pussy.

Even before his hand touched me I could feel my pussy, and my nipples, tingling.

Matt’s hand cupped my pussy and I moaned. I didn’t want to show any emotion but I couldn’t stop myself.

“Like that do you squirt?” Matt asked.

I looked up at the eyes looking down on my naked body and I got a flash-back of me on the doctor’s couch.

“NO.” I almost shouted

Matt started moving his hand and I have to confess that it felt good. My clit came further out wanting some attention and as Matt’s fingers rubbed over the end of it I just knew that I was about to get humiliated.

When the doctor had made me cum it was like he was an expert and he made me cum quite quickly, but Matt obviously hadn’t had the same experience and he just didn’t know what to do to me to make me cum quickly. Having said that, Matt did make me cum. Not a mind blowing orgasm but the bolts of whatever certainly shot through my body.

Fortunately, they weren’t very strong and, apart from an initial jerk, my body didn’t start shaking.

Then I heard mum say,

“I’ll leave you kids to it, I’ve got lots to do.”

Mum left, leaving the naked me with the 3 boys. Matt had moved his hand from my pussy and put it on one of my little tits.

“Are those as hard as they look?” Brian asked.

Matt gently squeezed my nipple then replied,


“Will you let Brian and me make you cum Olivia?” Adam asked.

“No I will not.” I replied.

“Emma and Sadie let us make then cum.” Adam replied.

“I don’t care what they do. It’s bad enough that Matt is allowed to do it, no one else is going to touch me.”

“And dad.” Matt added.

“Well okay, Matt and my dad, but no one else. Can I go now?”

Matt let me get up and I left the room, but I stopped just outside the door where they couldn’t see me and I heard them talking.

“I like girls being brought up the traditional way.” Brian said. “I wish that I had a younger sister.”

“Yep, so do I.” Adam added, the continued, “So is Olivia going to start wearing really short skirts and no knickers to school Matt?”

“Yeah, mum’s shortening all her skirts and I saw all her underwear in the bin.”

“Excellent,” Brian said, “that’s one more skirt that we can look up when we go up to the science lab.”

I heard a noise so I bolted up the stairs to my room and didn’t hear the rest of the conversation, but as I lay, curled up on my bed, I wondered just how many other girls at school were suffering like me. Yes, I’d seen Sadie wearing a really short skirt, and when I thought about it Emma, Elsie and Grace also wore really short skirts at school. In the showers I’d never noticed if their pussies were bald and I’d never seen up their skirts, but I did remember once seeing Emma’s tented blouse. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but maybe she was braless like I now had to be.

All those boys trying to look up my skirt, yuk, I wasn’t looking forward to going to school on the Monday.

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