Modesty for Boys but not for Girls.
by Vanessa Evans
Part 2
I stayed in my room until I was sure that Brian and Adam had left, then
I went downstairs. I saw Matt in the lounge watching some stupid
program, and then mum in the kitchen. She saw me and said,
“There you are Olivia, come and help me get the tea ready.”
“Mum, this traditional way of bringing up girls, is it some sort of
official program, it’s just that I’ve been thinking and there might be
other girls at school that are in it as well.”
“Well Olivia, in some parts of the world there is an official Naked in
School program where selected girls, and boys, have to be naked all the
time, but what we are doing with you is something that has been done in
families around here for generations. I know that there are other
families around here that practise this tradition but I’ve never gone
out of my way to discuss it with anyone, it’s just something that
happens. When you have children I hope that you will raise your girls
in the same way.”
“I doubt that mum, I hate being like this, it’s so embarrassing, and
what Matt just did to me was so degrading. I should at least be allowed
to wank him off as well.”
“Olivia, stop using that word, it’s not lady-like.”
“So having to be naked all the time IS lady-like is it?”
“For a girl your age, yes.”
“Well I don’t like it mum, please can I put some clothes on?”
“Olivia, when you’re cooking you are allowed to wear an apron, we don’t
want hot fat splashing on you, especially when you’re cooking bacon.”
“Oh, right, can I wear the apron all the time?”
“No Olivia, just whilst you’re cooking. Olivia, things are not going to
change so the sooner you accept that the easier it will be for you then
you can embrace your nudity, enjoy it, enjoy the effect that it has on
others as well as yourself.”
“I’ll never accept it mum.”
“Oh you will Olivia, you will; and you’ll really enjoy it.”
I said nothing, just continued helping with the food.
A short while later my father arrived home. After kissing my mother he put his arm round me and said,
“And how’s my gorgeous little daughter, had a good day have you?”
“No, it’s been horrible.” I replied.
“Oh come on Olivia, it can’t have been that bad.”
“It was, and it will be until I can start wearing clothes again.”
“Tell you what sweetie, we’ll make some popcorn and you can choose a movie to watch tonight.”
And that’s what we did. It felt so weird sitting at the dinner table
and eating the meal as if nothing was different, and then just as weird
sat on the sofa, next to my dad, watching the move.
The movie had a scene in it where a young woman was walking around in
just her underwear, then out of camera she stripped naked and was
talking to the man with her. It seemed so natural to that woman that
she was naked, and that made me realise that I was, sort of, getting
used to it. It was still horrible, embarrassing and so humiliating, but
not so much as it had been when I first had to strip naked. I wondered
if I would ever get used to it.
I woke up the next morning and again had a quick panic because I was
naked and my duvet was nowhere to be seen. Then I remembered everything
and looked at my clock.
“Sugar, what happened to my alarm?” I thought.
I had intended to get up and get showered before everyone else so that
I could shave my pussy, but I was late. I rushed to the bathroom and
into the shower, only for Matt to walk in as soon as I turned the water
“Don’t you ever knock.” I said.
“What’s the point, you’re naked all the time and I’m about to be.”
With that, Matt got his cock out of his boxers and started pissing into the toilet.
“Eww, that’s disgusting.” I said, but strangely, I couldn’t take my eyes off his cock.
I’d never seen a real, live, man’s cock before and I was impressed. It was soft and bigger than I had imagined.
As Matt was shaking his cock I remembered that I was showering and got
on with it, but seconds later my very naked brother stepped into the
shower with me.
“What the hell are you doing Matt, get out.”
“What’s the point squirt, you have to shower, I have to shower, then I
have to shave you. We may as well help each other and save water.”
Matt did have some good logic, but I wasn’t about to say so. I just
stood there with the warm water cascading down on me and a few seconds
later Matt started rubbing his soapy hands all over me.
Okay, okay, I admit it, it did feel nice, but it shouldn’t be happening, it wasn’t right.
When Matt moved down my torso, his right hand went between my legs, that without even realising, I had opened for him.
“No Matt, it isn’t right, oooooooh that’s nice.” I said as a finger went over my clit then penetrated me just a little bit.
“One day soon squirt, you’re going to beg me to take that cherry of yours, then you are going to want me to fuck you every day.”
“Never going to happen Matt.” I replied.
“Well see, we’ll see, but I’m never going to force you Olivia.”
I looked up at Matt and saw that he looked serious, but that wasn’t going to change my resolve.
Then I felt his cock pressing on me. I looked down and got a shock. I gasped and thought,
“Well even if you tried, you’d never get that monster inside me.”
I continued to stare at my brother’s hard cock as he shampooed, then
conditioned, then rinsed my hair. I would never have admitted it, but I
liked looking at Matt’s cock, it was fascinating but I could never
imaging it inside me, it was way too big.
“Your turn squirt.” Matt said holing out the bar of soap for me.
“You want me to soap you all over?” I asked.
“Yeah, and don’t miss any parts.”
I soaped his top half then I squat in front of him to do his lower
half, and my face was right in front of his hard
It was like I was in a trance as my hands soaped everywhere except his cock which I couldn’t take my eyes off.
“Everywhere.” Matt said, and my soapy hands finally went to his balls then his cock.
Of course I’d heard of wanking and knew what was involved, but I’d
never done it, not even seen a cock before, but when Matt told me to
rub it, my right hand automatically wrapped around it and slid up and
down – slowly.
“That’s good squirt, keep doing that.”
I knew that it was wrong, that I shouldn’t even be there, but I couldn’t stop myself from moving my hand up and down.
The inevitable happened, I felt Matt’s cock tense, then streams of
whitish goo shot out of his cock and landed all over my face putting me
into a state of slight shock.
“Thanks squirt,” Matt finally said, “after seeing you naked since
Friday evening, and making you cum yesterday, I really needed that. I
can’t wait until I can unload inside your fuck tunnel.”
“Never going to happen Matt,” I replied as I stood up and let the warm
water rinse my face, but as soon as I stood up Matt scooped a blob of
his cum off my face and put it in my mouth which I had unwittingly
opened for him.
“Taste it squirt.” Matt said.
His finger was already in my mouth and I was already tasting it. I
hadn’t know what to expect, but I’d guessed that it was something like
my juices that I’d tasted a couple of times.
I was half right, it wasn’t as sweet, maybe a little bitter, but it wasn’t revolting.
“You’ll be getting a lot of that in your mouth and throat over the years squirt, get to enjoy the taste.”
I said nothing and wondered if he was right.
We finished showering then Matt told me to sit on the edge of the bath.
For a split second I’d forgotten about the shaving, and strangely, I
wasn’t against Matt shaving me and I automatically spread my knees wide
to allow him to do it.
Just as he was nearing finishing, his fingers went to my clit which was
out and waiting. I moaned and almost slid back into the bath as Matt
rubbed all around, and on the end of my clit causing me to moan and
almost scream when the orgasm hit me.
Matt had just about finished drying himself when I was back in the land of the living and I watched as he finished and left.
“Wow,” I thought, “that was one hell of a surprise, I never expected
any of that to happen, well apart from the shaving, and I actually
enjoyed it.”
The embarrassment soon came back when I went downstairs for my
breakfast. I saw my dad’s and my brother’s eyes go up and down my naked
body. At least my mother was acting normally as she told me to sit at
the table and tell her what I wanted for my breakfast. At least my
bottom half was out of sight.
“So,” my mother said, “It’s a loverly day, what are your plans for today Olivia?”
“Nothing,” I replied, “I don’t want to go anywhere.”
“Okay,” my mother answered, “in that case you could do some reading out
in the sun, start that tan that you’ve always said that you wanted.”
“I can’t do that, no clothes, remember.”
“Nonsense, you don’t need clothes to sunbathe out the back.”
“What about the neighbours, they’ll perv on me.”
“No they won’t, besides, I think that they are away somewhere.”
“Are you sure mum, because I don’t want them perving on me.”
“I’m pretty sure, but it wouldn’t be ‘perving’, they all have respect for people and they all know about the traditional way.”
“Am I the only one who didn’t know about your traditional way until last Friday?”
“Of course not Olivia, it’s just that you didn’t need to know until you hit puberty.”
“Maybe it’s a good job that I didn’t know, I’d have probably run away.”
“Now, now Olivia, get laid out there and stuck into a good book, that
will take your mind off your new life and let your subconscious come to
terms with things.”
Mum did have a good point, I like the sun and there was a book that I’d been wanting to read.
It felt weird going out the back door totally naked. I looked around
and could see no one so I took the towel and the book to one of the
sunbeds that we have out there. It was usually my mum and dad that lay
out there but my mum was in the kitchen and my dad was in the garage. I
had no idea where Matt was, and I didn’t care.
Mum was right, the book was good and I was almost oblivious to the fact that I was naked, and the sun felt good.
About an hour later I got a very rude shock.
“Blooming heck George, look, Olivia is bare ass naked.” A young male voice said.
I recognised the voice immediately, it was my 14 year old cousin Henry.
I turned my head and saw both Henry and George (both 13 years old)
standing no more that 3 metres from me.
I screamed, dropped my book, my hands went to cover my pussy and my little tits, and my face set on fire.
“MUM, HELP.” I shouted.
My mother came out of the back door, along with my aunty Ruth and uncle Trevor.
“Relax honey, it’s only George and Henry, they’ve seen you naked before.”
“Not for like 50 years they haven’t, anyway, what are they doing here?”
“Your father invited them for Sunday lunch.”
“Today, noo, this can’t be happening, can’t you re-arrange it for another Sunday, like in 10 years time.”
“Now, now Olivia, your aunty Ruth and uncle Trevor know all about the
traditional way of bringing up girls and they’ve explained it to George
and Henry.”
“But we didn’t believe you,” Henry said, “that is until now.”
“And wow.” George added.
“Okay kids,” my mother said, “let’s all just relax, Olivia is naked and
she’s staying that way so let’s just calm down and act normally.”
“Easy for you to say that mother.” I thought.
“Move your hands away Olivia, you know that you can’t cover any part of
you.” My mother added, “and boys, stop staring, you’ll embarrass
“WILL embarrass me” I thought,” I’m already mortified, this can’t be happening.”
“Boys,” aunt Ruth said, “pull up a chair, do what you kids normally do
when you come over here, I’m going to help Mary in the kitchen.
I looked over to my mother for some help but got ignored. I also
noticed that uncle Trevor was going into the garage, presumably to talk
to my dad.
“So Olivia,” George asked, “how long do you have to stay naked?”
“Until I’m 18.”
“All the time?” Henry asked.
“No, I can get dressed when I go out anywhere.”
“So you’re not coming to school tomorrow naked then.” Henry asked.
“No, that would be beyond humiliating.”
“That’s a shame,” Henry said, “I could have bragged about my naked cousin.”
“I thought that you would have had some pubic hair by now Olivia, after
all, you’ve started growing tits and mum says that your periods have
started.” George said.
“Bloody hell, is nothing private around here.” I said.
“Olivia, no swearing.” I heard mum say from the kitchen.
“Well, I did have some pubes, but Matt shaved them off.”
“Matt shaved them off.” George said, “why haven’t we got a younger sister? Where is Matt anyway?”
“No idea, don’t care.” I replied.
All the time that we were talking, both Henry and George were staring
at my naked body. I hadn’t realised that I’d parted my legs a little
bit until Henry asked,
“Why is your pussy wet Olivia, have you peed yourself?”
“No I haven’t.” I said as I quickly closed my knees,”and it’s personal
so I’m not telling you. Why don’t you go and look for Matt?”
“I’d rather stay here and look at you Olivia,” George said.
“Me too.” Henry added.
“I wanna die.” I thought, but I saw aunty Ruth coming outside and saying,
“Boys, go and look for Matt. Here Olivia, I thought that you might like this.”
As Henry and George disappeared, aunt Ruth gave me a glass of water and continued,
“I know that it’s tough on you Olivia, I remember my traditional
upbringing, but I promise you that things will get better. I’m 100%
sure that in a few months, or even weeks, you will look back and be
very grateful to your parents, I know that I was.”
“Thanks aunty Ruth but it really is difficult, I never knew how embarrassed I could get until a few days ago.”
“Hang in there Olivia, and if you ever need anyone other than your
immediate family to talk to you know where to find me. I know that it’s
often easier to talk to someone other than family.”
“Thanks aunty Ruth.”
I tried to relax, even picking up my book again, but I couldn’t take my
mind off what had happened that morning. My brain was spinning.
It didn’t help when dad and uncle Trevor came out of the garage and sat on the chairs in front of me.
“Hi there kiddo, how’s it going?” uncle Trevor asked.
“Horrible, I wish I was dead.” I replied.
“Hey Olivia, being dead is a permanent solution to a short term
problem. Think of all the fun that you will have when your short term
problem goes away, and it will go away, I guarantee it.”
“But uncle Trevor, it’s horrible.”
“Olivia, you are a beautiful young lady with a beautiful mind and a
beautiful body. You should be proud of those things, anything else is
not important, you are a tough kid and you can get through this.
Besides, girls don’t need modesty, they have nothing that needs to be
hidden under clothes.”
Uncle Trevor leant over and whispered,
“Next time you see some boy or man perving on you, try to imaging how
silly they would look if they were naked. On the beauty side you will
be way, way above them.”
I smiled a little as uncle Trevor backed away and my dad asked what we were whispering about.
“Nothing dad.” I replied,
“Nothing Tom.” uncle Trevor replied.
“I gather that Matt took care of you this morning Olivia, you were certainly loud enough.” My father asked.
“Dad, you’re embarrassing me. That was private.”
“Nothing’s private for you any more sweetie, well?”
“Leave the poor girl alone Tom,” uncle Trevor said, “don’t push her too fast, she’ll come around, just give her time.”
“Yeah, you’re right Trev, sorry Olivia, well did Matt?”
“Sorry, couldn’t resist it, you know that I love you Olivia.”
“Yeah, I know.”
My father and uncle Trevor started talking about cars and I picked up
my book again, but my brain was still a mess and a few minutes later
all 3 boys came outside.
My heart sank as I thought of more perving, and that didn’t improve as George said,
“You should turn over Olivia, you’re getting a bit red.”
At first I thought that the red was because of my embarrassment, then I thought about sunburn. I quickly turned over thinking,
“At least it will only be my butt that they can perv at now.”
With my knees firmly pressed together I tried to relax but minutes later mum came out and announced that dinner was ready.
I stayed put until all the others had gone inside and my mother shouted
for me to get a move on, then I rushed in and took my place at the
table. My little tits were still visible but at least my lower half was
That is until my mother called for me to help carry the food in from
the kitchen. This involved leaning in between people to put the dishes
onto the table and I was sure that all the male eyes were on my little
tits as I did so.
Finally, I was sat down and soon everyone was eating and, thankfully, I didn’t see many male eyes looking my way.
I suppose that I did relax a bit, but I was still a long way from being happy.
Since us kids became capable, we have always cleaned-up after Sunday
lunch and this Sunday wasn’t any different. This meant that the naked
me was in the kitchen with 3 boys, all of whom wanted to perv on my
body. Matt wasn’t as bad, but both George and Henry kept ‘accidentally’
bumping into me and ‘accidentally’ touching my tits with their hands,
and they wanted me to put away the things that belonged on the bottom
shelf of the floor units.
At first I didn’t realise that bending over to put things into the
bottom units, meant that my pussy was visible to the boys. When I heard
George telling Henry to look at me, I twigged and from then on I squat
with my back to the boys.
Finally done, I went up to my room, hoping to escape the male eyes, but
no sooner than I had sat on my bed than I heard my mother shouting for
me to come down and join the conversations outside.
When I got there I saw that the sunbeds and chairs were all in use
leaving no where for me, nor the boys, so we were relegated to the
grass. I sat up straight with my legs together, thinking that at least
my pussy was hidden.
That didn’t last. After a while I realised that I was uncomfortable and
had to move, but I couldn’t think of a way that I could sit on the
grass without displaying my pussy so I lay on my stomach and propped my
upper torso on my elbows.
I looked at the 3 boys and saw that they were getting restless as well.
A short while later I saw that all 3 boys were rolling about, tickling
each other, it was a proper play fight with arms and legs everywhere. I
was thankful not to be part of it, but in that past I had taken part in
those play fights and had good fun.
“Go away, I don’t want to play.” I said as they rolled close to me.
“No don’t,” I said as Henry rolled half on top of me.
I don’t know if it was planned, or if it just happened, but all 3 boys
started tickling me, and me them. We rolled around woth arms and legs
going everywhere, until it all suddenly stopped and I heard George ask,
“Why are your nipple so big all the time Olivia?”
“It’s because she’s the only one here that’s naked dummy.” Henry replied.
Then after a couple of seconds Henry continued,
“Your pussy is very nice Olivia.”
I looked to where Henry’s head was and saw that it was between my
spread legs, he was so close that I could feel his breath on my pussy.
Then George started tickling me again and the play fight continued, me
almost forgetting that Henry had has a really good close-up view of my
During the fight we’d sort of rolled down the garden, quite a way from
the adults, and just as we got to the edge of the grass everything
stopped again.
I was on my back, on the grass, with the 3 boys between me and the
adults, and I was as out of breath as the boys were. When George asked
if he could touch my pussy I said that he could before I even thought
about it.
George’s hand went straight to my clit and I moaned as he started
exploring. Within seconds I didn’t care about what George was doing to
me, all I wanted was relief from the arousal that I hadn’t realised
that I had.
I moaned and Matt put one of his hands over my mouth to silence me, and
I didn’t try to object, nor fight, and George, and then with Henry’s
help, the brought me to a very pleasant climax.
As I was coming down from my high I heard my father shouting, asking if
we were all okay. Matt answered saying that we were. I sat up and said,
“That didn’t happen, did it guys?”
Emphasizing the ‘did it guys’ telling them to never mention it.
I was starting to get embarrassed again so I got up and went where I
had been and lay on my stomach again, but this time I didn’t make a
conscious effort to keep my knees together, in fact I didn’t even think
about it, not even when George and Henry came and sat near my feet.
The conversations went on for about another hour before aunt Ruth and uncle Trevor decoded that it was time for them to leave.
They walked down the side of the house with mum, dad and the 3 boys
following. Dad must have realised that I wasn’t with them and he
shouted for me to join them. I stuck my head round the corner of the
house, looked at my dad, and mouthed,
“I’m naked.”
“Come on Olivia, no one will see you.” My dad replied as he frantically waved to me get me to join them.
I knew that I’d be in bother if I didn’t go so I quickly ran and stood
in the middle of everyone, hoping that no one else had seen me.
Hugs all round then my aunt, uncle and cousins got into the car and
left. I was relieved and wanted to run back to the back of the house,
but after the hugs, my dad had put his arm round my shoulder and was
firmly holding me.
“Dad, I’m naked, I need to get back.”
“Oh look there’s Fred Haverstock (our neighbour from across the street). Dad said.”
I looked and dad was right, what’s more he’d seen us and was walking towards us.
“Dad, let me go.”
If anything, dad’s grip on my shoulder tightened, and one of my arms
was trapped between us, and the other was held firmly by dad’s hand, I
couldn’t even cover my little tits.
“It’s okay sweetie,” my dad whispered, “Fred knows about the traditional way.”
“Hi there Tom, Mary, I see that it’s started. Hi there Olivia, you’ve reached the best part of your life then.”
“No, it’s horrible.” I replied.
“Oh no,” Fred replied, “you’ll soon come to realise that it’s the best
way for a girl to be brought up. You look great by the way.”
That only made me more embarrassed than ever and I so wanted to die. I
had to stand there, at the side of the road, for at least 5 minutes as
my dad and my mum passed the time of day with Fred and talked about
nothing that I cared about, before they finally said good-bye and my
dad released his grip on me.
As we walked back up our drive I said,
“That was horrible, how could you make me stand there? You let Matt go,
and I hate to think what the people in that car that went by were
“Relax honey,” my mum said, “you’ve no need to be shy, if the people in
that car did see you I bet that they thought that you are a very
beautiful girl, and that you should be proud of your body.”
I was about to say what had become the norm when they exposed me to
strangers, but I stopped myself because I saw no point, my parents
weren’t listening to me. But what also stopped me was that as I walked
I could feel that my pussy was all squishy. Had I really got aroused by
our neighbour seeing me naked. My brain was confused.
Back in the back garden, I claimed one of the sun loungers and lay out,
my parents having gone inside and I hadn’t a clue where Matt was.
This time though, I lay on my back and I spread my feet a little. I
wanted to feel the setting sun on my pussy. It felt nice.
The sun felt nice and there was peace and quiet. I relaxed a bit and
before I realised I was being prodded on my arm by Matt. When I opened
my eyes my brother said,
“You’ll get cold if you stay out here much longer sis. You should
always sunbathe like that, it tells the world that you want a good
My jaw dropped, I looked down my body and saw that my legs were wide
apart. Without even knowing it I was putting on a very embarrassing
display for the whole world to see.
Quickly closing my legs I looked around. All I could see was my dad
down the garden pulling a few weeds out. I hoped that he hadn’t seen me
spread like that.
I went inside to find that mum had made some sandwiches which we ate
for tea, then it was TV time, but this time I was sat between my mum
and dad. It was sort of comforting and as I got engrossed in the movie
I felt warm and dare I say, happy.
The next morning my alarm worked and I was showered and drying myself when Matt came into the bathroom.
“Have you shaved yourself?” Matt asked.
“No, I didn’t need it.”
“Mum and dad said every morning so sit and spread them.”
“Set my alarm 15 minutes earlier tomorrow.” I thought as I did as instructed.
As Matt was shaving my pussy I was thinking,
“I’m not actually feeling embarrassed am I, and should I set the alarm 15 minutes later so that I can see Matt’s cock again?”
All the time I was recalling the image of Matt’s hard cock that I had in my brain.
“You’re leaking a lot this morning squirt.” Matt said.
I didn’t reply, but I did feel the embarrassment coming back.
Thankfully, Matt finished quickly and I cleaned myself with a wash
cloth then went downstairs to see about some breakfast. Mum was there
and I was soon eating.
“So what am I going to wear for school today mum?”
“I’ll give you a blouse and a skirt just before you leave. Your shoes
are still on the stand by the door. Do you have PE today Olivia?”
“Yeah, can I have my shorts back please, I don’t want to wear a skirt
for PE, it will fly up all the time and leave me exposed. All the boys
will see my butt and pussy.”
“I doubt that very much, and even if they do, so what, you’re a girl,
you have nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to hide. I’ll get your new
PE skirt out for you to put in your backpack.”
I knew that I should thank my mum but I just didn’t feel grateful, I
just knew that the boys were going to see my butt and pussy, and I
wasn’t happy about it.
Fifteen minutes later, the naked me was down by the front door putting
my school shoes on as mum gave me the skirt and blouse to wear, and my
new PE skirt which she put in my backpack along with the rest of my PE
kit and my books.
I put the blouse on first and immediately knew that I had a problem.
“Mum, I need to wear a bra, I can see the dark circles round my nipples. Everyone will see them and laugh at me.”
“No they won’t, I bet that no one will say anything.”
I knew it was a lost cause so I stepped into the skirt.
“Oh my gawd mum, this skirt is way too short, it’s shorter than the
dress that I wore on Saturday. I’ll get suspended and sent home.”
“No you won’t, and it’s not shorter, just the same length. You’ll be fine.”
“But the boys will all be trying to look up my skirt all the time.”
“So what if they do, you’re a girl and have nothing to hide, everything is on the inside, remember?”
“Not everything mum.”
“You don’t even have any hair there for them to see.”
Again, I knew that I wasn’t going to win so I resigned myself to an extremely embarrassing day.
As I stepped out of the front door I felt the fresh, cool air on my
pussy, and I have to say that it felt nice. I was just thinking about
that when Matt said,
“Come on squirt, can’t having you missing the school bus on the first day of your pussy flashing at school.”
“I’m not going to flash my pussy, well not deliberately but in this skirt it’s going to be a battle to keep it covered.”
“Well don’t fight it Olivia. You have nothing worth hiding, no need for modestly.”
“That’s easy for you to say, you’re wearing undies and trousers. I’ve got nothing, I’m going to be embarrassed all day.”
“It’s no big deal sis, it’s only a slit. It’s no different to the top
of your butt crack. Besides, I’ve heard that it’s healthier for a girl
to have her pussy uncovered.”
“I wouldn’t know about that but why do guys want to see pussies all the time?”
“Because girls try to hide them. If they walked around naked all the time guys wouldn’t be that interested.”
“Well that won’t happen, I guess that I’ll just have to live with guys trying to cop a handful all the time.”
“Hey sis, just because you walking around displaying your butt and
pussy all the time doesn’t meant that guys can grope you. If anyone
does you let me know and I’ll put them in hospital.”
“And Harry and George will help me as well, you’re family, we’ll look after you.”
“If you really want to look after me you’d find some trousers for me to wear?”
“Sorry, no can do, mum and dad would kill me.”
By then we were approaching the school bus stop and other kids were arriving too. One boy looked at me then said,
“Bloody hell Olivia, cute skirt, and look at those headlights.”
I’d been worrying about my pussy being on show and not thinking about
my nipples but when that boy said that I looked down at my chest and
could clearly see the 2 little tents and the dark circles of my areolae.
“Oh my gawd,” I thought, “why did my mum buy blouses made of such thin
fabric, and why can’t I wear a bra? Another problem for me to worry
about. I hate my life.”
I saw the bus arriving and hoped that most of the kids already on it
had gone to the top deck so that I didn’t have to go up the steep steps.
My luck wasn’t good and everyone at my stop had to go to the top deck.
I wanted Matt to follow me up the stairs, but again I wasn’t lucky and
it was a horrible classmate of Matt’s that followed me up.
“Wow Olivia, you’re really putting on a display today, I hope that this is a permanent improvement.” Roger said.
I said nothing and followed Matt to an unoccupied double seat.
“Did you hear that perv Roger?” I asked Matt.
“Yes, did he grope you?”
“No harm done then.” Matt replied. “Treat comments like that as
compliments squirt. You wouldn’t get them if they thought that you were
I said nothing, but I did think that maybe there was some truth in what Matt had said.
Getting off the bus wasn’t too bad, that was until the boy going down
the stairs in front of me stopped and turned to look at me. His face
was right in front of my pussy, my uncovered pussy. I closed my eyes
and tried to not think about it, but my pussy did react a little by
starting to tingle.
I really hate how my pussy can tingle and get wet when my brain just doesn’t want it to.
I got a couple more comments and a few stares as I walked into the
school but I was more aware of other girls wearing short skirts. There
was more of them than I had previously remembered and I wondered if
they were all being brought up the ‘traditional’ way.
I found myself standing next to Emma, the Emma who does wear a short
skirt, and whom I had previously asked about the ‘traditional’ way but
been blanked;
“Emma, can we talk at lunch break?”
Emma looked me up and down, her eyes lingering on my chest and skirt hem, then replied,
“Yes, by the netball pole at the gym end.”
I got more stares and the odd comment as I walked into my home room.
And when I sat down I gasped as my bare butt landed on the cold,
plastic chair.
When the bell rang to tell us to move to our first class of the day I
was expecting the teacher to ask me to stay back then tell me that I
was inappropriately dressed and that I had to put on a longer skirt and
cover my chest properly, but all I got from the teacher was a long look
which made me feel uncomfortable.
Out in the corridor some of the boys were staring and Sophie looked me up and down and just said,
“Traditional upbringing?” then kept walking.
“Yeah.” I replied, but Sophie was steps ahead of me by then.
In English, Mr. Battersby decided that he was re-arranging where people
sat. I didn’t twig at the time, but most of the front row of desks were
suddenly occupied girls wearing very short skirts. What’s more, the
desks in that classroom didn’t have what I later found out to be called
‘modesty’ boards at the front.
Now, I’ve never really liked having to cross my legs when I sit, and my
mother had never had ‘that talk’ with me about always crossing my legs
when wearing a skirt, so, at school I had just never even thought about
it; but as I looked along the front row I noticed that the girls
wearing knee length skirts were crossing their legs, but the girls
wearing very short skirts were not.
“That’s odd,” I thought, but then I got distracted.
Again, I left that class without being pulled-up about my skirt, which
I thought was even shorter than every other girl’s skirt in the class.
This bugged me a little because I had been hoping to get stopped and
told to change into something longer, or better still, sent home.
It was the same in the rest of my classes that morning with more comments and embarrassment, but never getting told off.
Lunchtime arrived and I went to meet Emma. She wasn’t there so I sat on
the grass and ate my packed lunch. I’d sat with my legs out straight,
knees together, and with my lunch box on my lap. When I’d sat down, my
bare butt felt just the same as when I’d sat on the grass at home the
previous day.
I thought about creepy crawlies getting in to my uncovered pussy but I
was convinced that I’d know about it and be able to lean to one side
and brush whatever away with a hand.
Five minutes later, Emma arrived and as she approached me she said,
“So your periods have started and your parents have started you on this amazing ‘traditional’ way of growing up, right Olivia?”
“Yeah, and I hate it.”
“I did when I had to start it, but after a week or so I started to
realise that it wasn’t anything like as bad as I originally thought.”
“How come, because I hate it, it’s so humiliating being dressed like
this, the boys won’t stop staring at me and having my brother shave my
pubic hair off each morning is, well, so humiliating.”
“Don’t you get to see his cock, he does do it in the shower right?”
“Yes, and yes, are you the same Emma?”
“I don’t have a brother, so my dad shaves me each morning, in the
shower. I was mortified just the same as you are, but now, I look
forward to it. I get to wank him and he fucks me.”
“Your dad fucks you Emma?
“Yeah, all the girls that I’ve spoken to that are in the ‘traditional’
program get fucked by their fathers. Those with brothers get fucked by
them as well. I’m not that lucky.”
“So you’re on the pill as well Emma?”
“Yeah, that doctor Jones really does know how to make a girl cum, did you have him Olivia?”
“Yes, that was the only good bit about going to see him. My dad and Matt were watching as well.”
“My dad watched me as well.” Emma replied.
“So are you having to be naked all the time that you are at home Emma?”
“Yeah, I hated it at first, but now I love it.”
“Even when you get visitors?”
“That’s the really cool part, seeing their faces when they see me naked
is so unbelievable, I’ve nearly cum a couple of times just watching
their faces.”
“So does your dad make you cum? Sorry, if he’s fucking you he must make you cum right?”
“Yeah he does, he’s so much better than my ex boyfriend, I dumped him because he was useless at anything to do with sex.”
“You had a boyfriend who you had sex with Emma?”
“Yeah, for a month or so, but I dumped him just before I hit puberty and I’m so happy that I did.”
“Wow, what about the teachers Emma?”
“I don’t have sex with them but some of them do like looking up my
skirt and I sometimes play with myself in class, it drives them crazy.”
“You flash the teachers?”
“Yeah, it’s so much fun watching them get all flustered and you should
see the bulge that appears in Mr. Haverstock’s trousers, he must be
hung like a donkey.”
“Blimey, there’s a whole world out there that I didn’t even know existed.”
“Well you do now Olivia, so enjoy it like us other ‘traditional’ girls do.”
“Wow, but don’t you ever get told off for having such a short skirt?”
“Hell no, I’m sure that the teachers are so scared of being accused of
being a racist or a sexist or whatever, that they just accept it. Hell,
the teachers get to see our pussies so they’re on a winner as well.”
“What about PE, my mum says that I have to wear a PE skirt with nothing
under it. I’ve seen that you and some of the other girls wear skirts,
are you allowed to wear anything under them.”
“Haven’t you noticed Olivia, no we’re not and we really do flash the
boys and the PE teachers. I’m so pleased that most of the PE lessons
are mixed. That Mr. Jennings gets a real big bulge in his shorts,
haven’t you noticed?”
“We have PE next period so have a good look Olivia, it will make you
get all wet. Hey, I heard that they’ve got an ex professional gymnast
guy to teach us gymnastics. Us ‘traditional’ girls are going to join
that group, you should join us as well.”
“Doesn’t gymnastics involve back flips, cartwheels and things like that?”
“Yeah, I’m expecting my skirt to spend a lot of time around my waist,
and if your top is baggy like mine it might just end up around your
neck letting everyone see your tits as well.”
“Oh, I doubt that I could do that, it would be so embarrassing.”
“The sooner you get over this embarrassment lark, the sooner you’ll
start enjoying yourself Olivia, I’m sure that my grades have improved
lately. Girl, you’ve already started, I can see your slit, and if I can
then the boys passing by can as well.”
I quickly looked down and realised that my knees had drifted apart. I quickly closed them and thought,
“Sugar, could Emma be right.”
“Come on Olivia, let’s go and find some of the other girls who are enjoying being brought up the traditional way.”
We got to our feet and started walking as I asked,
“So is there a sort of ‘traditional girls’ club Emma?
“Ha, never thought of it like that, but I guess that you could call it
a club, and we have had a couple of sleepovers so far, maybe we could
have one at your house? You having a brother could make for lots of
“I’m sure that Matt would agree with you Emma, but I don’t know about my parents.”
We walked through the crowd of kids and found Sadie, Elsie and Grace
all together sitting on a little wall. As we walked up to them I did
something that I had never done before, and looked at their skirts. All
3 were sat with the legs uncrossed and I could see 3 bald pubis’ and
the front of 3 slits. Sadie had her knees apart and I could see
I looked around and I saw 3 boys staring at her.
“Ladies,” Emma said, “Olivia is now one of us.”
“Thought so,” Sadie said, “you flashing you slit on Saturday gave you away.”
“Girls,” Emma said, “Olivia is still struggling to come to terms with
her new life and I thought that it might help if some of you told her
about the fun that we have.”
“That would take all day Emma, but I promise you that your life will be so much better Olovia.” Elsie replied.
“Yeah, watch this.” Grace said then she held up the chocolate bar wrapper that she’d just finished eating, and shouted,
I turned and saw this boy walking over. He stood in front of Grace who
had pulled up the front of her short skirt and spread her knees, and
that was where the boy was looking.
“Put this in the rubbish bin for me.” Grace said as I gasped at what Grace had just done with her skirt.
The boy held his hand out while still looking at Grace’s pussy. I
looked at other girls and saw that all of them were smiling. After a
few seconds Grace shouted,
The boy jumped then turned and walked off as the girls started laughing.
“See,” Grace said, “putty in your hand, they’ll do anything for a look at your pussy.”
“I can’t believe that you just deliberately exposed your pussy to that boy Grace, didn’t that embarrass you at all?”
“Hell no, I got passed embarrassment after a few days, I’m sure that
you will too Olivia. Coming to gymnastics will really help you Olivia.”
“I don’t know, Emma says that I’ll have to do cartwheels and
back-flips, they will leave me terribly exposed, I don’t think that I
can do that.”
“Emma’s right, and hopefully we’ll do more as well.” Grace said, “are
you worried that the PE teacher will report you for exposing yourself,
cos don’t, you could sue him and the school for discrimination, get
yourself a fortune.”
“It’s not that that I’m worried about, it’s the embarrassment.”
“That will soon pass, hey, do you want some help with that Olivia?”
“Girls, you know what we have to do.”
“Don’t do that. What are you doing to me. Leave me alone.”
But they didn’t, and within a minute they had stripped me totally naked
in the school playground. Elsie and Sadie each grabbed one of my arms
and pulled then out sideways.
“No, no, stop that, let me go.” I pleaded as most of the boys nearby
turned to see what all the noise was about. My face caught fire.
“Relax Olivia,” Emma said, “your world hasn’t ended, they’re only boys
looking at you. You have no reason for modesty, be proud, you can
control of them.”
“Okay girls,” Grace said, “I think that Olivia has got the point, give
her her clothes back, let her half cover that pussy of hers.”
As I quickly put my skirt and blouse back on, Elsie said,
“See, nothing to be embarrassed about, own your body, be proud of it and show the world how proud you are.”
I just stood there, the red slowly draining from my face as I thought,
“Well yeah, these girls don’t appear to get embarrassed. I’m no
different to them, and they do appear to be enjoying being a
‘traditional’ girl, so why should I be different to them, why can’t I
enjoy myself like they appear to be doing?”
“Okay girls, you’ve made your point,” I said, “I will join the
gymnastics after lunch, but please, give me some support if I need it.”
“Of course we will Olivia,” Grace said, “team ‘traditional girls’ stick together.”
I felt a little better, but I was still nervous about gymnastics. Could
I really be upside down with my skirt round my waist and my top round
my neck, with loads of boys and a male PE teacher watching me?”
I was still nervous when we walked into the gym and I saw the PE
teachers plus another guy that I hadn’t seen before. I didn’t know if I
should be happy or horribly embarrassed when our usual PE teacher told
us that Derek would be teaching us some basic gymnastics.
Derek was fit, both health and looks, and I could that see some of the
girls had an instant crush on him. Me, I was still nervous about how
little I was wearing. My mum had shortened my PE skirt so that it only
just covered my pussy and my school PE polo shirt wasn’t tucked into my
skirt and it felt a lose fit. I wondered if my mum had packed one of
Matt’s by mistake.
I knew that I was going to get embarrassed just as soon as Derek got us
all doing warm-up exercises. He had us lifting one leg and pulling the
knee to our chests. I watched as he walked around the room making sure
that everyone was doing it correctly.
When Derek stood in front of Sadie I saw him staring at her lower half
and his face was going a little red. I guessed that he’s seen her pussy.
He moved on and soon came to Emma and he again stared at her lower
half. I looked up at Emma’s face and saw that she was smiling.
It was the same with Grace, then he got to me and as he looked at my pussy my face started to heat up, but then I thought,
“Why the hell should I be getting embarrassed, the other ‘traditional’
girls aren’t, what’s so special about me that makes me get embarrassed,
nothing, so stop it Olivia, do what Elsie said, own it.”
So I smiled at Derek and somehow found the courage to ask,
“Am I doing this right Derek?”
As I asked that I pulled my knee that was pressing on one of my tits, to my side which gave Derek a better view of my pussy.
“What, oh, yes, perfect, just perfect err.”
“Olivia sir.”
“Yes, perfect Olivia.” And Derek moved on to the boy who was stood beside me.
Then it was bending and Derek got us to spread our legs and bend
forwards to touch the floor. Now, we weren’t all in a row, more just a
group with arms length spaces between us, and it wasn’t girls at the
back, we were all mixed up. As I spread and bent I just knew what the
boys behind me were about to see.
“Own it Olivia.” I said to myself as I looked back between my legs and
saw the bent over boy behind me bending his neck backwards so that he
could see my butt and pussy.
I smiled to myself and thought,
“Good one Olivia, tease the idiot.”
I also looked around and I could see Emma’s bare butt and shiny pussy.
I did a mental check of my pussy and found that it too was wet.
Derek was walking commenting on people’s efforts and when he got near Emma he walked round behind her.
“Perv.” I thought, but he did the same with me and my thought was,
“Go on, have a good look.”
I realised that I was getting over the embarrassment factor.
Then it was jumping jacks and I was grateful that I only have small
tits. I noticed that Elsie has much bigger tits and I wondered if all
the bouncing was hurting her.
Again, Derek walked around us, commenting on people’s efforts, and when he got to me he said,
“Well done Olivia.”
I smiled and was impressed that he had remembered my name.
Next it was cartwheels and we’d had to line up in 2 rows, then do
cartwheels down the gym. Not wanting to be one of the first few going,
I’d gone to near the back of one queue.
As the first ones set off I thought,
“Not much on show here guys, and it’s too far away.”
As the first ones started walking back down the sides of the gym I
realised that they were getting a better look at the girls cartwheeling
down the gym.
“Own it Olivia, be proud of your body.” I thought as I set off.
I don’t know if, or how much, the boys walking back saw of me, but I
felt good as I came to a halt at the end of the gym and my skirt ant
top fell back into place.
Then it was an exercise that I had been dreading, I had believed that I
would be totally mortified when I was told to do a handstand and walk
on my hands across the gym.
I watched, and the boys cheered when any of the ‘traditional’ girls
took their turn. I saw Elsie’s and Emma’s skirts invert, and Elsie
spread her legs for better balance. I looked at Derek and saw that he
had lost interest in all but the ‘traditional’ girls and was just stood
there watching the ‘traditional’ girls display.
Next, I saw Grace start. As soon as she was moving along on her hands
her skirt inverted, and seconds later her polo shirt started to invert
as well. There was more cheering from the boys as her tits became
visible and when she stood at the other side of the gym she was smiling
and just letting gravity return her clothes to the intended place.
Then it was my turn. Although I knew that I was good at walking on my
hands, I was nervous, but strangely, I wasn’t feeling embarrassed about
what I was about to do.
I leant forwards and pushed myself up onto my hands and instantly felt
both my skirt and my polo shirt start to move with gravity.
The boys started cheering, my skirt bunched at my waist and my polo
shirt revealed my little tits to everyone in the gym. But my shirt
didn’t stop round my neck, parts of it fell over my face and I couldn’t
see where I was going.
On I plodded with everything feeling like it was going in slow motion.
My arms started get tired, no one told me that I’d made it to the other
side of the gym and I hadn’t hit the wall bars. I spread my legs to
help balance and wished that someone would tell me that I could stop
but no one did.
Finally, my arms gave way and I collapsed down onto the floor, my face
still covered, my tits and pussy not covered. It took a few seconds for
me to recover enough to move and I heard Derek ask me if I was okay.
I reached to my shirt, pulled down over my tits and saw Derek and a
couple of boys looking down on me. Something wasn’t right but I
couldn’t figure out what until Derek put out a hand to pull me up.
“What happened,” I asked, “did I faint or something?”
“Relax Olivia,” Derek said, “everything is okay, you just got a bit
lost when your shirt covered your face, you’re back where you started,
you went round in circles.”
“Oh, I’d better start again then.”
“No Olivia, you’ve proved that you can do it.”
“Thanks.” I said as I looked around at the other kids and saw a mixture of expressions.
“Oh my gawd,” I thought, “I did it, the boys and Derek saw my pussy and
I didn’t get embarrassed, and I enjoyed it, my mum and the other
‘traditional’ girls were right.”
I actually felt proud of myself and as I leant back on the wall bars I
realised that my pussy was really wet and my nipples and clit were
The rest of the PE lesson went like a dream. Yes, there were more
exercises where my butt and pussy got exposed, but I felt good about
it, not at all shy or embarrassed. It was a happy Olivia that walked
back into the changing room with a couple of the other ‘traditional’
girls congratulating me. Sadie saying,
“Well done Olivia, I think that you’ve made it to the other side, it’s just fun from now on.”
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